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Advice notes are provided to members of the Expert Witness Institute in support of their work. They represent the Institute’s view of good practice in a particular area, and members are not obliged to follow them. They do not constitute legal or professional advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for it. Whilst care has been taken to ensure that they are accurate, up to date, and useful, The Expert Witness Institute will not accept any legal liability in relation to them. If specific advice or information is required, then a suitably qualified professional should be consulted.

Advice on Expert Fees after CXR v Dome Holdings
Sean Mosby 723

Advice on Expert Fees after CXR v Dome Holdings

bySean Mosby


This article was originally published in the autumn 2024 edition of Expert Matters


Many expert witnesses, primarily in medico-legal work, use a third-party organisation to help them in their practice. If you use an organisation which invoices the instructing solicitor for your services, you should be aware of legal developments which might affect the information that organisation needs to provide, in order to recover their bill as part of the legal costs recovered at the end of the case.

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EWI Webinar

The EWI is running a webinar on costs on the 29th October to clarify the range of issues experts face in this area. To book, please visit:





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