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Family Court reporting pilot to be extended nationally
Sean Mosby 446

Family Court reporting pilot to be extended nationally

bySean Mosby


Family Court Reporting Provisions

The Family Procedure Rule Committee has approved a proposal to roll-out the family court reporting pilot nationally, through changes to the Family Procedure Rules and new practice directions. The new reporting provisions will apply in all family courts in England and Wales from Monday 27 January 2025.

This means that journalists and legal bloggers will be able to report on what they see and hear whilst attending any family court, if a transparency order is granted. The change means that there is a presumption that a transparency order, protecting the anonymity of the children and family, is granted, unless there is a legitimate reason not to.

The reporting pilot commenced in January 2023 in Cardiff, Leeds and Carlisle, following a recommendation in the Transparency Review by the President of the Family Court. In January 2024, the pilot was extended to nearly half of the family courts in England and Wales. Implementation nationally will follow will start with public law cases, followed by private law case and finally magistrates.

Financial Remedies Transparency Pilot

The Transparency Reporting Pilot for Financial Remedy Proceedings commenced on 29 January 2024 in Birmingham, Leeds ad the Central Family Court. It was extended to the Royal Courts of Justice from 11 November 2024. The pilot will be extended until 29 January 2026 and rolled out nationally from 29 January 2025.

Expert witnesses

We would be interested in hearing from any expert witnesses who have been impacted by, or have concerns about the effects of, these transparency pilots and their extensions. You can contact us at


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