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Forensic Science Regulator issues updated Guidance on Declarations of Compliance and Non-Compliance with the Code of Practice
Sean Mosby 398

Forensic Science Regulator issues updated Guidance on Declarations of Compliance and Non-Compliance with the Code of Practice

bySean Mosby

The Forensic Science Regulator (‘FSR’) has updated its Guidance on Declarations of Compliance and Non-Compliance (‘Guidance’) with the Code of Practice (‘the Code’) which came into force on 2nd October 2023. The FSR has highligthed changes from the first issue of the Guidance in grey, with significant deletions marked as ‘[deleted text]’.

Section 37.2.2 of the Code sets out the requirements for making declarations and provides wording that should be used (or permits wording that it substantially the same) in all statements and reports supplied to support the judicial process. The Guidance outlines various compliance scenarios and suggests recommended standard wording for making declarations.

Specialists from outside the forensic profession (infrequently commissioned experts in section 46 of the Code) should refer to the requirements and text contained in the Code.


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