23 January 2025 Keith Rix 489 Case Updates A demonstrably incapable and incompetent witness who was not fit to have been put forward as an expert witness byKeith Rix Commentary Judgment in this case was given by Master Evan Bell, a previous Grange Conference speaker, and the author of ‘Judicial assessment of expert evidence’ in the Judicial Studies Institute Journal, 2: 55-96, 2010 (https://ie.vlex.com/vid/judicial-assessment-of-expert-847477374 ) which might usefully be read with this case summary. Master Bell’s 13-point framework, which he used when considering the expert evidence, is also a useful framework for experts to use when reflecting on their expert witness practice or that of another expert in a case-based discussion or peer review. His framework is also a useful one for expert witness training. For surveyor experts, the case illustrates some very basic errors and it may therefore also be a useful case for expert surveyor witness training. Learning points: Beware over-reliance on the subject’s account to the exclusion of documentary evidence. An expert report is only as good as the assumptions on which it is based. Where one expert’s methodology is more sound than another’s, that expert’s opinion may be accorded more weight. It is rare for expert speculation to assist. Inspection or examination must be thorough To continue reading you must be an EWI member, become a member and access exclusive content. Already a member? Login More links Link to the Judgement Share Print Tags Hot-tubbingChartered Building Surveyor05. Rules and RegulationsNorthern Irelandconcurrent expert evidenceThe Ikarian Reefer Related articles Expert Evidence by the Back Door An approach entirely contradictory to the duties and responsibilities of expert witnesses identified in The Ikarian Reefer Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness JXX v Scott Archibald [2025] EWHC 69 (SCCO) Consent – post-Montgomery Comments are only visible to subscribers.