Expectations of Corporate Members and Partners

  • There will be one named contact who will be a full member of the EWI
  • Corporate members will actively promote and encourage staff/panel members to become members of the EWI and attend events
  • Organisations will have processes in place to ensure the quality of Experts’ reports
  • Corporate Member will demonstrate that they check their experts’ CV, proof of registration with their professional body, and professional indemnity insurance and encourage them to engage in continuing professional development to develop their practice as an expert witness
  • In addition to the requirements for Corporate Members a Corporate Partner will demonstrate that they regularly check the quality and compliance of expert reports and have systems in place to identify, deal with, and resolve issues and bad practice.
  • You will ensure staff/panel members meet the EWI’s published standard for reports
  • You will ensure that Corporate Member logos are only placed on your corporate website and letterhead. These are not to be placed on staff/panel member pages, CVs or other documentation. Individual experts must use the relevant member logo for their level of membership