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Collaboration agreed between the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) and the EWI
Simon Berney-Edwards 1159

Collaboration agreed between the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) and the EWI

bySimon Berney-Edwards

Ciarb and EWI agree the cross-promotion of training and membership with a view to promoting the relevant training and membership for the Expert Witness community.


Ciarb’s education and events programme provides leading training for practitioners on how to effectively resolve disputes, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). In alliance with the EWI, Ciarb will support the ADR community and its end-users with trained expert witnesses through the promotion and provision of EWI training and support to expert witnesses.


Catherine Dixon, Ciarb’s Director General says, “Expert witnesses play a critical role in enabling the parties to resolve their dispute effectively and fairly.  This requires the Expert to take an active role in the resolution of a dispute. Providing training and support through the EWI will enable Experts to more effectively discharge this important role within the ADR process.”


Simon Berney-Edwards, CEO of the EWI says, “The effective use of Experts is the factor that will often determine whether a mediation or arbitration will succeed or fail.  During their career, as Expert Witnesses see the impact their contribution can have on dispute resolution, some will consider moving into Arbitration alongside their Expert Witness practice.  I am therefore extremely excited to be able to offer our members a clear entry route into the ADR profession through this alliance with Ciarb.”


Under the agreement, the EWI will promote relevant Ciarb events to EWI members.  EWI will also provide Ciarb members with:

  • Discounted entry to EWI training and public events at the EWI member price (20% off the non-member price). EWI’s calendar of training and events can be found at
  • Discounted access to the Core Training Package expected of Expert Witnesses. Purchase of the package entitles access to the following: 
  • Law for Experts
  • Report Writing 1
  • Report Writing 2
  • Experts Discussions & Joint Statements 
  • Discounted application fees for EWI Membership*.


There are three key entry levels for membership:

  • Prospective - For those starting out as an expert witness who have not completed core training. 
  • Provisional - For those who are new to being an expert witness, have completed core training, and would benefit from the support of more experienced Members and Fellows in providing advice on all aspects of being an expert. 
  • Individual - For experienced practicing experts who are looking to expand their practice and distinguish themselves as the best in their field. 


For full details of the requirements and to apply, visit:


Through this agreement, Ciarb commits to providing EWI members with the following benefits:

  • Access to Ciarb’s International Diploma for Commercial Arbitration taking place in Oxford from 8 to 17 September 2023 at Ciarb member rates.
  • Access to Ciarb events at Ciarb member rates.
  • Access to Ciarb’s Ongoing Learning workshops and webinars at Ciarb member rates. 


EWI Members can access the discuount codes here.


Simon Berney-Edwards, CEO of the EWI says, “We look forward to working with Ciarb and are delighted to be able to provide EWI members with increased value by giving them access to Ciarb’s highly regarded qualifications and training.”


Catherine Dixon finishes, “One of the most important ways we support the development of ADR is through ensuring our members have access to high quality training, information and events. Expert witnesses make up an important section of our membership and the global ADR community. Many become practicing Neutrals and we will support and develop their skills through training. Working with the EWI, we will support the Expert Witness community more effectively. We look forward to working with the EWI team.”



* under this agreement, the discount is on the application fee for membership of the EWI.  Members will still need to pay the annual EWI membership fee.  EWI’s membership runs from the beginning of November each year and is calculated on a pro rata basis.


About The Expert Witness Institute (EWI)  

EWI is the UK’s leading membership body for experts from all professional disciplines and the lawyers who use their services. Our goal is to support the proper administration of justice and the early resolution of disputes through high-quality expert evidence from specialists who have met technical, legal and quality standards and are subject to a Code of Conduct.  EWI offers a range of training for expert witnesses including popular core training courses and ongoing practice updates. EWI’s calendar of training and events can be found at 


For further information on the EWI, please contact:


About Ciarb

Ciarb is an independent, charitable membership organisation committed to supporting the effective resolution of disputes. Ciarb champions all aspects of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) across arbitration, mediation and adjudication, setting robust ethical standards. Ciarb delivers learning and networking opportunities, qualifications, mentorship, research and resources, events, and best practice guidance for its members and ADR practitioners globally. Today, Ciarb has 42 Branches that connect over 17,000 members across 150 jurisdictions around the world.


For further information on Ciarb, please contact:


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