EWI Study Day

Rembrandt Hotel, London

18 Mar 2025

9:30AM - 5:30PM

Join our full-day event packed with seminars, panels, and group discussions exploring key areas for helping you develop your practice as an Expert Witness.
This study day will be valuable for both new and experienced Expert Witnesses.


9.30am Registration and refreshments

10.00am Welcome
Simon Berney-Edwards, EWI CEO

10.15am Develop your expert witness practice
Beth Rigby, Expert Witness Trainer and Simon Berney-Edwards look at the steps and provide helpful ideas for marketing and improving your practice and how EWI can support you.

11.00am Steps to success
Beth Rigby facilitates this panel session where experienced Expert Witnesses share their journey to building a successful practice, including some cautionary tales.
Panellists: Adrian Parsons, Alison Somek, and Amanda Fyffe

11.45am Break

12.00pm Wellness matters: How to build resilience
Hear from Dr Wilson, a Chartered Clinical Psychologist who explores the emotional demands of being an Expert Witness and provide tips for wellbeing and resilience.

12.45pm Lunch & Networking  

2.00pm Report Writing Clinic
Delegates will reflect on their experience of Report Writing with opportunities to discuss issues and get support and advice.

3.00pm Break

3.15pm Handling difficult situations
We consider some of the more problematic elements of being an Expert Witness. Facilitated by Beth Rigby. 

4.00pm Working with Instructing Parties
Our panel members share advice on how Experts and Instructing parties can work together more effectively and offer essential tips on how to handle issues. Facilitated by Beth Rigby, panellists include Sam Bawden, Faye Hall Joshua Hitchens and 
Duncan Hughes-Phillips.

4.45pm Legal update
EWI Policy Manager, Sean Mosby, updates you on the latest lessons from the courts.

5.15pm Closing remarks

Venue: The Rembrandt Hotel, 11 Thurloe Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2RS

CPD: 8 hours

Members £325 / Non-members £375
Bookings close at 4pm on 11 March.

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Training and Events - Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations received more than 50 business days prior to the event – A full refund will be given.
  • Cancellations received 26 -50 business days prior to the event – A 75% refund will be given.
  • Cancellations received 16-25 business days prior to the event – A 50% refund will be given.
  • Cancellations received less than 15 business days prior to the event – no refund will be given.

Please note, any delegates who do not attend on the day will not receive a refund.  Access to the event will be denied if payment in advance has not been made.

The EWI reserve the right to cancel any event with a minimum of 3 business days’ notice and will provide a full refund to delegates.

Code of Conduct
The Expert Witness Institute (EWI) is committed to providing an inclusive, safe and harassment free event for participants (members and non-members) and speakers regardless of disability, race, gender identity, religion and any characteristics as outlined in The Equality Act 2010. If you witness or experience harassment, please speak to a member of the team immediately so that the issue can be investigated and if necessary, steps can be taken to remove the participant(s).


Event content is provided to members and non-members of the Expert Witness Institute in support of their work. It represents the Institute’s view of good practice in a particular area, and members are not obliged to follow it. It does not constitute legal or professional advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for legal advice. Whilst care has been taken to ensure that the content is accurate, up to date, and useful, the Expert Witness Institute will not accept any legal liability in relation to it. If specific advice or information is required, then a suitably qualified professional should be consulted.

For our full Terms and Conditions, including details of when bookings may be transferred and photography/filming, please see our Full Events Terms and Conditions