22 May Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with Sir Martin Spencer 06. Rules and Regulations, 14. Changing your opinion EWI Chair, Sir Martin Spencer, shares his views on Expert Evidence over the last year.
28 April Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with Tim Edbrooke 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 17. Maintaining your professional edge Tim Edbrooke tells us about his experience of being a Physiotherapy Expert Witness and shares invaluable advice on how you can avoid injury in your home office.
8 March Recordings - Webinars In conversation with Kathryn Britten Simon Berney-Edwards talks to Kathryn Britten, Partner at AlixPartners and co-founder of the Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses pledge.
28 February Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with Dr Kathryn Newns 17. Maintaining your professional edge Dr Kathryn Newns reflects on her experience becoming a Certified Fellow of the Institute and why she believes it is important that all Expert Witnesses consider EWI Certification.
26 January Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with James Badenoch KC 11. Report Writing In this interview from 2019, Penny Cooper talks to James Badenoch KC about his views on writing excellent Expert Reports.
9 December Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with Frederico Singarajah - Unconcious Bias Bias, 11. Report Writing, 15. Giving Oral Evidence, 10. Records Assessments and Site Visits Saba Naqshbandi speaks to Frederico Singarajah from Gatehouse Chambers about Unconcious Bias and the issues which Expert Witnesses must consider.
11 November Recordings - Webinars EWI in conversation with Tom Magner - Communication Skills 15. Giving Oral Evidence, 17. Maintaining your professional edge, Communication Simon Berney-Edwards talks to Tom Magner about his top tips for handling the media and journalists. His approach is applicable to anyone who needs to think about communicating carefully and succinctly. A useful skill for any Expert.