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A Day in the Life of a Japanese Knotweed Expert

A Day in the Life of a Japanese Knotweed Expert

One of the UK’s leading experts in Japanese knotweed, Dr Paul Beckett has been providing Expert Witness services since the early 2000s. He shares his insights into being part of a relatively new area of litigation; what makes a good Expert Witness; and why he approaches court like revising for an exam.

A Day in the Life of a Threat, Risk and Harm Consultant, Expert Evidence Trainer, and Expert Witness
Day in the life

A Day in the Life of a Threat, Risk and Harm Consultant, Expert Evidence Trainer, and Expert Witness

EWI Honorary Fellow Tony Saggers has been a drug trafficking Expert Witness since 1995, alongside a career in law enforcement that spanned 30 years. Formerly the National Crime Agency’s Head of Drugs Threat and Intelligence, he now runs a consultancy providing anti-organised crime strategy solutions, child safeguarding from criminal exploitation advice, and Expert Witness training. Here, he provides a glimpse into his long and varied career and explains the importance of impartiality, communication, and evolution in the Expert Witness field.