14 February Podcast Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness 05. Rules and Regulations, 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, 03. Marketing, 16. Maintaining your professional edge, Expert Witness Training In the 9th episode of the Expert Matters Podcast, we look at how to become an Expert Witnesss. If you think expert witness work might be for you, don't miss the great advice in this month's episode where we talk to the wider EWI team on expert witness training, how to become an EWI member, and the key next steps to get your practice up and running, from setting up your business, terms and conditions, and insurance to sorting out your CV, marketing strategy and web presence.
31 January Case Updates JXX v Scott Archibald [2025] EWHC 69 (SCCO) 05. Rules and Regulations, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, Expert Fees, Medical Reporting Organisations In considering whether the claimant should be required to provide a breakdown of expert and medical agency fees, the judge decided to offer the claimant the option of either providing the breakdown of expert and medical reporting organisation fees, to enable an assessment of work of both the expert and the MRO, or not providing that information and having the expert fees assessed on the hypothetical basis that there was no medical reporting organisation involved.
14 October News Advice on Expert Fees after CXR v Dome Holdings 05. Rules and Regulations, 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid Many expert witnesses, primarily in medico-legal work, use a third-party organisation to help them in their practice. If you use an organisation which invoices the instructing solicitor for your services, you should be aware of legal developments which might affect the information that organisation needs to provide, in order to recover their bill as part of the legal costs recovered at the end of the case.
18 September News The Single Biggest Change White Paper 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 08. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert, 11. Responding to questions, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits Earlier this year, we asked our members about the single biggest change they’ve seen since they started practicing as an Expert Witness. With members from numerous disciplines who’ve been practicing from 40 years to 4 months, we expected a wide variety of insights, and we weren’t disappointed.
16 September Podcast Podcast Episode 4: Expert Fees 05. Rules and Regulations, 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, Legal Aid, Expert Fees Simon and Sean discuss expert fees and catch up with Dominic Woodhouse from Partners in Costs to talk about cost management and budgeting in civil proceedings.
9 August Podcast Podcast Episode 3: Single Joint Expert 05. Rules and Regulations, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, 08. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert Simon and Sean discuss Single Joint Experts and catch up with two EWI members who act as Single Joint Experts to hear about their experiences, the challenges they face, and their tips and advice.
22 April Case Updates Appeal in the Cause Michael Marshall against Berkshire Hathaway International Insurance Company Limited [2024] SAC (Civ) 13 Personal injury, Scotland, Sheriff Appeal Court, Absence of Expert Evidence, 05. Rules and Regulations, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid The sheriff appeal court upheld the sheriff's award of damages for injuries sustained in a vehicle accident which were assessed, in the absence of admissible expert evidence, on the basis of common experience.
23 November News Make sure you pay your expert! 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid, 07. Working with Instructing Parties Law Society Gazette reports on a case where an Expert Witness refused to act after accusing solicitors of not paying him and naming him on cases without his knowledge.
8 August Case Updates Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust v Hoskin (Manchester County Court, unreported, 22 May 2023) Expert's fees, Medical Reporting Agencies, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid “Experts fees”
18 December News 6 Top Tips to Protect Your Business Terms of Engagement, Terms and conditions, contracts, 02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid Hazel Napier from BEB Contract & Legal Services have come up with the following top tips to make sure your business is protected