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North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group v E (Covid Vaccination) [2022] EWCOP 15
Priya Vaidya 1046

North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group v E (Covid Vaccination) [2022] EWCOP 15

byPriya Vaidya

The case: The North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group applied for an order that it was in the best interests of E to receive Covid-19 vaccinations. E is a man in his mid-60's who has moderate to severe learning disability which has for many years been presumed to be due to organic brain damage following the administration of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine in infancy. There was no dispute that he lacked capacity to make decisions for himself about whether or not to receive Covid-19 vaccinations because of an impairment of, or disturbance in the function of, the mind or brain. One of his siblings, F, the second respondent, strongly opposed the application and sought to adduce the evidence of Dr Eccles.


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