23 January Case Updates A demonstrably incapable and incompetent witness who was not fit to have been put forward as an expert witness Hot-tubbing, Chartered Building Surveyor, 05. Rules and Regulations, Northern Ireland, concurrent expert evidence, The Ikarian Reefer For surveyor experts, this case illustrates some very basic errors and it may therefore also be a useful case for expert surveyor witness training. McBride v McGuigan & Anor [2024] NIMaster 20
29 August Case Updates Haywood v Ritchie & Ors (t/a as H Ritchie & Sons) [2005] NIQB 42 Personal injury, Medical expert, 05. Rules and Regulations, 11. Responding to questions, Northern Ireland This case concerns three important issues in personal injury litigation in Northern Ireland: the extent of the plaintiff’s medical records to which an expert can have access; what the expert can ask about how the injury was sustained; and whether a plaintiff can refuse to be assessed by a particular expert.