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Expert appoints herself as social worker, psychologist, therapist and judge
Case Updates

Expert appoints herself as social worker, psychologist, therapist and judge

At a time when psychologists in particular are concerned about psychological evidence being given by psychologists who are unregulated, this case illustrates the risks when an ‘independent’ social worker gives psychological evidence.

The learning points are of general application. The specifics of the case are for psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers.

Coventry City Council v XX [2024] EWFC 249 (B) 

Is it within the remit of an expert to decide which witness of fact they believe or disbelieve?
Case Updates

Is it within the remit of an expert to decide which witness of fact they believe or disbelieve?

The judge noted that the expert readily accepted that integral to his reasoning was that he did not believe the claimant as to the symptoms he had suffered and, probably, teh claimant's account of the incident. In the judge's view, it is entirely outside the remit of an expert to decide which witnesses of fact he believes or disbelieves.

Allard v Govia Thameslink Railway Ltd [2024] EWHC 2227 (KB) 

Podcast Episode 6: In Conversation with Giles Eyre

Podcast Episode 6: In Conversation with Giles Eyre

In the 6th Episode of the Expert Matters Podcast, Simon talks with retired Barrister and expert witness trainer, Giles Eyre, who is retiring as an EWI trainer at the end of this year. Giles offers invaluable insights and advice on the common mistakes experts make, how to handle giving a range of opinion, the key things that make a good report, ensuring confidence in the courtroom and cross-examinations, along with lots of other great learning points. This podcast is an essential listen for Expert Witnesses, and anyone thinking of the entering the profession.

The dangers of a considerable burden of expert work
Case Updates

The dangers of a considerable burden of expert work

The court found that a highly respected and hugely experienced histopathologist expert witness, who was overburdened with work, had made errors in his examination of the forensic material and closed his mind to possible or probable accidental causes for the injuries identified. 

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham v G [2024] EWHC 2200 (Fam) 

Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd v Khan & Ors [2024] EWCA Civ 531
Case Updates

Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd v Khan & Ors [2024] EWCA Civ 531

This case is about whether the judge erred in finding that Ms Soophia Khan had capacity to defend proceedings for contempt of court. This is an important judgment for any psychiatrist called upon to assess fitness to plead and stand trial in a criminal case or litigation capacity in a civil case; and important also for any psychologist whose evidence may be considered in such a case. It is not just because it compares the tests for fitness to plead and stand trial and litigation capacity; it is a rare illustration of not only how a judge at first instance assesses expert evidence in such a case but also of how the court of appeal analyses the judicial reasoning when such a case is appealed.
